We have opted for the blind curriculum in order to know the compatibility of the candidates with the personnel needs that might arise. Thanks to it, we evaluate candidates only on the basis of studies, experience, skills and competencies. We consider that the age, sex or origin of the candidates should not influence a selection process.

How is this done? You have to register in our “blind database”. It is a question of filling in this questionnaire, without personal data. We start the selection process from this registration. If you pass, we will contact you to send us more information or directly to interview you.

You can fill in this questionnaire as many times as your education, skills or experience changes, so don’t be afraid to come back from time to time and fill in your application with new input.

ATTENTION: It is important for you to know that if you have already sent us your CV by other methods, it will no longer be taken into account. I therefore encourage you to complete this form.

Also, if you want to be part of our supplier database we will be delighted to meet you. Fill in the form that corresponds to your modality.

If you want to work with us:

If you want to be a supplier: